After the disappointment of missing Yosemite we headed to mono lake since we were close and then turned toward Nevada. We did not really do much there besides stop and poke about a bit.

We took US 6 into Nevada and turned south on 264. From there dirt roads lead us to the Boundary peak wilderness area. Tiffanee had developed a severe sun burn on her chin on Whitney and was tired and sore so we found a nice campsite and set the tent up. We relaxed in the tent, played scrabble, cooked and slept. Eventually we decided we were rested enough and started up Boundary peak.
It is on a ridge system leading to a higher peak in CA, but at least it was a peak instead of just a slope. The trail petered out as we turned to the south and into a bowl. We headed up a scree covered slope, which involves sliding backward every step. Tiffanee decided that sliding backward was not a good way to make progress, but we still ended up arriving at a ridge finally.
From there we just followed one ridge to another until we arrived at the summit. We took a terrible summit photo (but at least we had batteries) and headed down.

The way down was faster. I skied down on my boots with a rock to self arrest if I needed to. That may have been a poor idea, but it worked well. Tiffanee stuck to the loose rock and managed not to break her ankles which is a feat sometimes.

After we got down in elevation a bit and regained the trail I found a small blue butterfly I wanted to take a picture of. I ran down the trail and kept failing to get a shot due to the delay in the button --> photo, and auto-focus errors where my point and shoot kept focusing on the wrong thing. Well maybe it was a moth actually. I think the antennae have something to do with it. Tiff knows, but I forget.

No one else was there, but a car remained parked the whole time we were there. I always wondered since that time why it was there, and where its owner was.

We got to the car and decided to drive 500 miles so we could stay with family. We had smooth empty roads all the way through NV but as we passed north of Great Basin National Park the road was swarmed by a plague of rabbits. Tiff had begun driving at the time and it tested her nerves not to swerve and kill us all. No humans were harmed, but I am not sure on the rabbit fatality count. I think 1 maybe, but Tiff thinks she did not harm a single one. The answer will never likely be known.